The Proposed Abortion Legislation Dr Catherine Hallagan, spokesperson for the New Zealand Health Professionals Alliance is hugely disappointed at the proposed Abortion Legislation Bill released by Cabinet today. Dr Hallagan says that Abortion must remain in the Crimes Act because, at some point, killing a child is a crime. It should remain a crime to kill a baby in utero, unless the grounds for abortion are met as defined in …Read More
American College of Physicians Opposes Assisted Suicide
Excellent. The American College of Physicians, after studying the issue, has issued a policy statement against the legalization of assisted suicide. From the ACP Position Paper: Society’s goal should be to make dying less, not more, medical. Physician-assisted suicide is neither a therapy nor a solution to difficult questions raised at the end of life. On the basis of substantive ethics, clinical practice, policy, and other concerns, the ACP does not support …Read More
NZHPA: Submission to the Health Select Committee Investigation into Ending One’s Life in New Zealand
The New Zealand Health Select Committee conducted an inquiry into ‘Ending One’s Life in New Zealand’ between June 2015 and February 2016. The Select Committee investigated 1) factors that contribute to the desire to end one’s life, 2) the effectiveness of services and support available to those who desire to end their own lives, 3) the attitudes of New Zealanders towards the ending of one’s life and the current legal …Read More
University Professor Urges Medical Graduates to show Courage
Professor D Robin Taylor, University of Otago, Graduation Address Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Mayor, Members of the University Council, academic colleagues, graduating students, family members and friends – tena koutou, tena koutou,tena koutou. It is a great privilege to have been asked to give this graduation address. It is a special occasion for you as graduates, because today is a wonderful milestone in your lives either as a newly fledged doctor …Read More
Professor of Nursing writes about Alzheimer’s & Euthanasia Debate
Negative attitudes towards Alzheimer’s disease are an undue influence on the euthanasia debate, claims an Australian bioethicist and Professor of Nursing at Deakin University. Professor Megan-Jane Johnstone has examined the ‘Alzheimerisation’ of the euthanasia debate in a new book, Alzheimer’s disease, media representations and the politics of euthanasia: constructing risk and selling death in an aging society. “Alzheimer’s has been portrayed as the ‘disease of the century’ that is poised to have …Read More
BMJ – What’s wrong with assisted dying
Iona Heath president, Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). The RCGP is the professional membership body for family doctors in the UK and overseas. Campaigns in support of assisted dying seem to be predicated on an excessively rosy view of society and the individuals within it, says Iona Heath, writing in a personal capacity. Within a relatively recent historical context, which includes the involvement of doctors in state sponsored killings, personified …Read More
Conscientious Objection in New Zealand: Its Legal Status and Significance
Dr Catherine Hallagan BA MBChB Dip Obstetrics FRNZCGP April 2013 I will give a doctor’s view of the issues from a personal and professional perspective since the two are closely intertwined. My approach is to discuss: Conscience and Conscientious Objection New Zealand Laws relevant to Conscientious Objection Key Moments in my professional journey Conscientious Objection & Antenatal Down Syndrome Screening Programme Challenges that lie ahead 1/ What is Conscience? Conscience is …Read More
Freedom of Conscience and the Needs of the Patient
Sean Murphy – Administrator of the Protection of Conscience Project – Presented at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Conference New Developments – New Boundaries Banff, Alberta (November 9-12, 2001) Sponsored by Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Misericordia Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta. Introduction The presentation on fetal surgery caused me to reflect upon what might happen, some time in the …Read More
A Life Story – A tribute to Dr John Crowley
Below are excerpts from a eulogy given in honour of Dr John Crowley. He was an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist from the Manawatu who was a member of the New Zealand Health Professionals Alliance. He was a mentor to many colleagues and he always upheld the right to conscientious objection while following best practice guidelines in his care of patients. Tribute to John Crowley by Dr Murray Shaw, General Practitioner, Palmerston …Read More
Position Statement on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
New Zealand Health Professionals Alliance Incorporated Te Hononga Mātanga Hauora o Aotearoa The New Zealand Health Professionals Alliance Inc (NZHPA) opposes euthanasia and assisted suicide. Euthanasia is the deliberate ending of a patient’s life by a health professional. Participation in this practice is unethical. It remains wrong, regardless of a request for it from a patient or their family/whānau. NZHPA supports retention of the current law which makes euthanasia and …Read More