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Whanganui doctor: The medical profession needs a No vote in End of Life Choice referendum

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“The End of Life Choice Referendum requires us to vote for or against the 2019 Act coming into force…Many statements, comments and perspectives have been presented and it can be confusing for us to weigh them and come to a yes/no conclusion. ”

The main benefit of assisted dying has been described as “complement[ing] the limitations of palliative care when suffering can no longer be relieved.” But assisted dying is not an option that complements palliative care.

“The complementary actions in palliative care include organising services, providing physical care, ensuring whānau and family members are supported and many other options besides. It is these actions as much as the medications essential for symptom control that ease suffering. Complementary actions may also include not providing inappropriate interventions but allowing a natural course to death.”

“Assisted dying is not any of this. Assisted dying asks the doctor to give up the responsibility to provide care and be involved in an action that is contrary to all the other health care we provide.”

Article Source:  The NZ Herald 18 Aug 2020
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